Postcards From Panama: Part 4

Celebrate from CITES with Alejandra Goyenechea, our Senior International Counsel. The historical glass frogs proposal was just adopted by consensus, further proving international support for conserving biological diversity.

Video Transcript:

Alejandra Goyenechea: We’re here in Panama and we’ve been here for almost ten days and trying to support the countries that submitted the proposal for a listing glass frogs in Appendix Two.

(Postcards from Panama intro)

So we were really nervous because the formal European Union position was not to be in support of this proposal. This proposal was defeated by the EU three years ago and now three years later, the countries decided to actually come back and fight for this proposal because it was very important for them and for the region.

Yesterday, during a very late evening session, we heard an amazing support from countries from all over the world and the EU.

They decided they were not going to block all of this support and we were really thrilled that the proposal was adopted.

It was a call for support, the protection of their biodiversity, and we really glad it happened.

So now it’s very important that countries and customs and also consumers are aware that when there’s a species that is listed in CITES, they will have to look at the CITES permit.

If there’s no CITES permit, that means it’s illegal.

What was really amazing is that we were able to see that other regions of the world recognized the call for action from Latin American countries to protect the biodiversity, because it’s very important that their biodiversity is everybody’s biodiversity.

We really need to be all aware of this importance.
