The Jaguar(Panthera onca) is the largest cat that is found in the Americas. Jaguars weigh up to 158 kilograms(348.3 pounds) and can grow to lengths of 1.9 meters(6 feet 2.8 inches). The total population of Jaguars in the Americas was approximately 64,000 at the time this article was published.
Genus | Panthera |
Species | P. onca |
Binomial Name | Panthera onca |
Length | 1.1-1.9 m(3’7.3”-6’2.8”) |
Tail Length | 45-75 cm(1’5.7”-2’5.2”) |
Weight | 36-158 kg(79.4-348.3 lbs.) |
DIet | Carnivore |
IUCN Status | Near threatened |
Physical Characteristics
Jaguars’ bodies are typically brownish yellow and are covered with dark rings. Some individuals are born completely black; these black specimens are known as Black Panthers.

Range and Habitat
Jaguars inhabit woodlands, swamps, and grasslands in the south-western United States, Mexico, South America, and Central America.
The female Jaguar gives birth to 1-4 cubs after a gestation period of 3 to 3.5 months. The birth weight is 700 to 900 grams(1.5 to 2 pounds). The cubs can open their eyes after 2 weeks, The cubs will stay with their mother for up to 2 years. Males reach sexual maturity between 3 and 4 years old; females reach sexual maturity at about 3 years old.
Jaguars eat rodents, anteaters, deer, peccaries, reptiles, tapirs, and fish.
Fun Facts
- Jaguars enjoy swimming and can be often be seen around a river or lake.
- A Jaguar can live for up to 22 years.
- The South American native word for Jaguar, Yaguara, means “animal that kills in a single bound”.
- Jaguars fish with their tails.
- Jaguar cars uses an image of a Jaguar on many of its automobiles.