Shark Fact Sheet: Whale Shark

The Whale Shark(Rhincodon typus) is the largest species of fish on earth. The Whale Shark is classified in the order Orectolobiformes and the family Rhincodontidae.

SpeciesR. typus
Binomial NameRhincodon typus
LengthAbout 18 meters(59.1 feet)
WeightAbout 19,000 kg(41,887.8 lbs.)
IUCN StatusEndangered 

Range and Habitat 

The Whale Shark inhabits tropical and temperate waters across the world. 

Physical Characteristics 

Whale Sharks have a wide blunt head; their whole top side a is covered with spots. They also have a filter feeding mouth. 


Whale Sharks are ovoviviparous and give birth to live young. Ovoviviparous means their embryos grow internally and and are nourished by a yolk sac. Whale Shark pups are born precocial. Whale Shark litters have reached over 300 pups. 


Whale Sharks feed on small fish, crab larvae, krill, fish eggs, and small squid.

Fun Facts

  1. The Whale Shark is known as Papa Shillingi in the the African language of Swahili.
  2. The mouth of a Whale Shark is in front of its eyes; this is a trait it shares with all the other Chondrichthyans classified in the order Orectolobiformes.
  3. Whale Sharks can dive to 1,900 meters(62 feet, 4 inches).
  4. Whale Sharks can live for up to 130 years. 