Shark Fact Sheet: Epaulette Shark

The Epaulette Shark(Hemiscyllium ocellatum), also known as the Walking Shark,  is quite a unique fish; it can “walk” for short distance on its paddle-shaped pectoral and pelvic fins. However they are capable of swimming. The Epaulette Shark is classified in the order Orectolobiformes and the family Hemiscylliidae.

SpeciesH. ocellatum
Binomial NameHemiscyllium ocellatum
Length70 cm to 1.1 m(2’3.6″-3’7.3″)
Weight2.7-2.9 kg(6-6.4 lbs.)
IUCN StatusLeast concern

Range and Habitat

Epaulette Sharks inhabit shallow reefs of Australia and New Guinea.


The Epaulette Shark has a white-margined black spot behind each pectoral fin, which resemble military epaulettes. It also  has a  short, rounded snout with a pair of tiny barbels.


Epaulette Sharks are oviparous; this means they lay eggs. The pups are precocial.


Epaulette Sharks eat benthic crustaceans, worms, and small bony fish.

Fun Facts

  1. There are many Epaulette Sharks living on the Great Barrier Reef.
  2. Epaulette Sharks are capable of surviving on very little oxygen for up to an hour.
  3. Epaulette Sharks live for up to 25 years.