Protect Endangered Whooping Cranes

You might expect to see any number of wild birds and fish in a wildlife refuge – but you probably wouldn’t expect to see huge industrial-scale power lines and 20-story transmission towers.

The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge is a globally important bird area, and it is home to endangered whooping cranes. It’s also a popular outdoor recreation spot for local communities.

Protect habitat for Whooping Cranes and other wildlife: Urge the FWS to block construction of industrial power lines and towers in the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife Refuge!

Video Transcript:

The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge is a globally important bird area, and is home to endangered whooping cranes – America’s largest wading birds… and also, one of the most endangered animals in the country.

Whooping Cranes, along with Tundra Swans, Bald Eagles, warblers and hundreds of thousands of migratory birds find refuge here every year… but developers are threatening this unspoiled habitat with an industrial-scale power line… complete with 20-story electricity transmission towers.
