The Cheetah(Acinonyx jubatus) is a big cat that can be found in Africa, but can also be found in the Middle East. The Cheetah is the fastest land mammal on earth; it can run at speeds up to 98 km/h(61 mph). The Cheetah is classified in the order Carnivora, and the Family Felidae.
Cheetahs live in three main social groups:
- Females and their cubs
- Male “coalitions”
- Solitary males
Physical Characteristics
A Cheetah’s head is small and rounded, and its snout is short. There are black, tear-like stripes on a Cheetah’s face. The coat is usually tawny to creamy white or pale buff and are covered with solid black spots. The paw pads are hard; this helps a Cheetah make sharp turns.
Length | 1.1-2.1 m(3’7.3”-6’10.7”) |
Shoulder Height | 67-94 cm(2’2.4”-3’1”) |
Tail Length | 83.8 cm(2’9”) |
Weight | 21- 72 kg(46.3-158.7 lbs.) |
King Cheetah

King Cheetah
The King Cheetah is a Cheetah that has a rare color pattern on its body. There are 3 dark stripes extending from the neck to the tail. King Cheetahs also have large, irregular blotches on their fur rather than small black dots. A King Cheetah maybe either male or female.
Cheetahs are found sparsely across Africa, and are also found in central Iran.
Cheetahs inhabit savannas, open grasslands, and in Namibia they can be found in mountainous areas.

Cheetahs usually breed in the dry season. The male leaves the female after they breed. The female will raise the cubs by herself. The gestation period is 90 to 95 days. The litter size averages 3 to 5 but may vary from 1 to 8 cubs. Births take place in a sheltered location such as thick vegetation. A newborn cub weighs 150 to 400 g (5.3-14.1 oz). Cheetah cubs open their eyes between 4 and 11 days old. The cubs necks, shoulders and backs are thickly covered with long bluish gray hair, called a mantle; this fur is shed as the Cheetah grows older. The mantle appears to provide the cubs with more camouflage from predators. It is believed that a Cheetah cub is intimidating because it resembles an adult Honey Badger(Mellivora capensis). The cubs stop nursing between 3 and 6 months old. The cubs leave their mother at 13 to 20 months old. Cheetahs reach sexual maturity between 3 and 4 years old.
Cheetahs eat mostly medium sized hoofed mammals. They also eat hares and birds.
Adult Cheetahs are usually too fast to be killed by other animals. Cheetah cubs are preyed on by lions, hyenas, and leopards. When the mother Cheetah has to go hunting; she will leave her cubs in the grass, this give predators ample time to kill the cubs.
Conservation Status
The Cheetah is listed as vulnerable.

Fun Facts
- Unlike other big cats the Cheetah cannot roar; Instead it makes other vocalizations, such as; purs and bird-like chirps.
- The word Cheetah is derived from the Hindi word ”Chita”, which means “spotted one”.
- Chester Cheetah is an animated character and the official mascot for Frito-Lay’s Cheetos brand snacks.
- A Cheetah is able to breath in more oxygen than other cats because it has enlarged nostrils; this helps the Cheetah run fast.
- The Cheetah uses its long tail for balance and steering.
- The Cheetah can accelerate from 0-96 kph(0-60 miles per hour) in 3 seconds.
- The Cheetah can live for up to 12 years.