The Moose(Alces alces), is the largest member of the Cervidae family(deer family). In Europe Moose are called elk. Male Moose are often referred to as bulls, and females are often referred to as cows. Animals that prey on Moose, especially Moose calves, include; bears and wolves. Moose have been known to run as fast as 55km/h(34 mph).
Physical Characteristics
The upper parts of a Moose are dark brown, to black in color; the lower legs are usually a light gray. Bulls are larger than cows, and weigh an average of 533kg(1,175 lbs.). Cows weigh an average of 325kg(717 lbs.). Bulls grow large antlers on their heads that sometimes reach 2 meters(6’7”) across. Moose have a furry pendant, known as a dewlap(or bell), that hangs from their throats; the dewlap reaches lengths up to 35 cm(1’2”). A bull’s dewlap is typically more noticeable than a cow’s. As a Moose grows old, its dewlap may begin to shrink. The Moose has poor eyesight, but its senses of smell and hearing are quite keen.
Length | 2.4-3.1 m(7’11”-10’2”) |
Shoulder height | 1.4-2.4 m(4’7”-7’11”) |
Tail Length | 5-19 cm(2”-8”) |
Antler Span | 1.2-2 m(3’11”-6’7”) |
Weight | 200-825 kg(441-1,819 lbs.) |
Distribution and Habitat
Moose live in northern North America and Eurasia, where they inhabit forests, and tundra.
During the Fall mating season bulls use their antlers as weapons against each other when fighting for the right to mate with a female. Bulls shed their antlers in winter, but the antlers regrow during the summer to be ready in time for the next mating season.
The cow Moose will give birth to 1-3 calves after a gestation period of about 8 months. A calf may weigh up to 16kg(35 lbs.) at birth.
The Moose is a herbivore who eats quite a variety of plant matter, including; twigs, branches, aquatic vegetation, mosses, and lichens.
Conservation Status
The Moose is currently listed as least concern.
Fun Facts
- The animated program; “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends”, features the adventures of Bullwinkle J. Moose and his friend, Rocket J. (“Rocky”) Squirrel. This cartoon was originally broadcasted on ABC from 1959-1961; and on NBC from 1961-1964.
- The Moose can dive up to 6 meters(19’8”) below water, and can stay submerged for up to 1 minute.
- Moose can live up to 25 years.
- The Manitoba Moose are an AHL(American Hockey League) team based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Mick E. Moose is the official mascot of the Manitoba Moose, as well as the WInnipeg Jets; which are a NHL(National Hockey League) team.
- Salmonier Nature Park, which is located in Newfoundland, Canada; often donates orphaned Moose that are not suitable to return to the wild to reputable zoos in other Canadian provinces.