Meet Abby The Sea Otter! -Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Pawesome Ladies

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Find yourself some carwash kelp and snuggle up: It’s time to meet Abby the Sea Otter! Rescued as a newborn in July ’07 by the Santa Barbara Marine Mammal Rescue Center, Abby was raised at SeaWorld San Diego. In June ’12, she joined our sea otter program, and became a surrogate mother to her first pup, Sina, in January 2013! To spot Abby in our Sea Otter Exhibit, look for the all-brown otter who loves to stick out her tongue—she also likes playing with artificial kelp, taking ice baths and eating frozen clam pops. Thanks for all of your dedicated work for sea otters in the wild, Abby! ____ Meet the rest of our resident sea otters: Watch more otterly pawesome sea otter videos: Read our latest scientific paper about our 15 years of sea otter surrogacy work: Donate to our Sea Otter Program: ____ Whale hello there! We hope you liked this video. Subscribe to our channel for more from the Monterey Bay and our mission to inspire conservation of the ocean:… We’re on Twitter: And Facebook:… Instagram too:… And Tumblr!…
