Parrots Of The World: Golden Parakeet

The Golden Parakeet(Guaruba guarouba), also known as the Golden Conure, or the Queen of Bavaria Conure is a new world parrot that is found in South America.

Physical Characteristics

Adult Golden Parakeets are mostly bright yellow throughout, with green feathers on their wings. There is bare white skin around a Golden Parakeet’s eyes.

Juvenile Golden Parakeets are yellow and streaked with green on their heads, breasts, and backs. 

Length34-35 cm(1’1.4’-1’1.8”)
Weight 154-300 grams(5.4-10.6 oz.)


The Golden Parakeet is endemic to Brazil.


Golden Parakeets inhabit humid lowland rainforests, varzéa forests, and grasslands with scattered trees.


The Golden Parakeet nests in a cavity of an isolated tree. The breeding season starts in November and runs through February. The eggs are white, and round to oval shaped, and are 3.71 x 2.99 cm (1.46 by 1.18 in). The incubation period is about 26-30 days.


Golden Parakeets eat fruits, seeds, nuts, buds, flowers, and nectar. 


Toucans prey on the chicks of Golden Parakeets. 

Conservation Status

The Golden Parakeet is listed as vulnerable. This species is threatened by deforestation and flooding.


Endemic. Native and restricted to a certain location.

Fun Facts

  1. Newly hatched chicks of Golden Parakeets weigh 7-11g (0.2-0.4 oz).
  2. Golden Parakeets can live for up to 30 years.
  3. Amazônia National Park, Para, Brazil is 1 South American location where you may see a Golden Parakeet.