Southern Cassowary

The Southern Cassowary(Casuarius casuarius) also known as Double-Wattled Cassowary, Australian Cassowary or Two-Wattled Cassowary is a large flightless bird found in Australia. The Southern Cassowary is classified in the order Casuariiformes and the family Casuariidae.

Physical Characteristics

The Southern Cassowary has a helmet like growth on its head known as a casque. The casque is mixed brown and rufous, and 13 to 17 cm (5.1 to 6.7 in) long. The sexes are quite similar in appearance, except the female’s bare parts are brighter, and a  female’s casque is often longer.  An adult Southern Cassowary’s body is blackish in color. The back of the neck and the two wattles(the two fleshy parts that hang from the neck)are pinkish to red. The wattles can reach 18 cm(7.1 inches) long.  The bill is black and  9.8 to 19 cm(3.85 to 7.48 inches) long. The legs and feet are thick and powerful; there are 3 toes on each foot. Juveniles are mostly uniformly brownish with an orange-buff tint; their wattles are smaller. Juveniles are paler on their chins to upper forenecks above their small wattles. The bare parts are dull, and the casque is underdeveloped. 

Length1.3-1.7 m(4’3.2’-5’6.9”)
Weight29-58 kg(63.9-127.9 lbs.)


Southern Cassowaries live in New Guinea and NE Australia. 


.Southern Cassowaries inhabit rainforest, gallery forest, swamp-forest, eucalypt (Eucalyptus) woodland, and palm scrub.


The Southern Cassowary is a solitary bird, which pairs only in breeding season, in late winter or spring. A Southern Cassowary’s nest is a shallow platform of twigs, sticks, leaves, grass and debris. After the female lays the eggs, she then leaves to mate, and lay more eggs, with other males. The clutch is 3 to 8 eggs. The eggs are dark green, and weigh 567 to 596 grams(1.25 to 1.31 pounds). The male incubates the eggs for 47 to 61 days. 

The father takes care of the chicks without any help from their mother. The chicks become independent from their father at about 9 months old. The Southern Cassowary reaches sexual maturity between 3 and 4 years. 


Southern Cassowaries eat; fallen fruit, fungi, invertebrates, small vertebrates, and carrion.

Conservation Status

The Southern Cassowary is listed as least concern.

Fun Facts

  1. Southern Cassowaries are capable of safely digesting some fruits toxic to other animals.
  2. Southern Cassowary chicks are striped for their first 36 weeks. 
  3. Southern Cassowaries Can live for up to 19 years.